League FAQs
Season Information
The season typically runs from mid-April through the second weekend in July. No games are scheduled for Memorial Day or Pride weekends. Depending on rain-outs and unforeseen events games may be rescheduled through mid-July to complete the season. Playoffs may or may not be scheduled depending on rain-out and other scheduling factors.
Reference: League Information
Team fees are $500 per team. Most teams are able to subsidize or fully cover their team fee by acquiring a team sponsor. Teams without sponsors typically divide the fee between all rostered players. Thus, the final per person cost may vary from team to team.
Reference: Team Registration
Player fees are $70 per person. There are a limited number of player subsidies available (100% and 50%) and are approved on a first-come, first served basis. Players may request a player subsidy on the player registration form.
Reference: Player Registration
Games are scheduled on Sundays, typically between 9am and 2pm. The exact times may vary depending on the number of teams in the league that year and if any scheduled games get rained out and need to be rescheduled. Generally rescheduled games will occur later in the afternoon on future game days, generally 2-4pm.
Reference: League Information
RCS is strictly slow-pitch softball.
Reference: League Information
Games are approximately 60 minutes in length.
Reference: League Information
Games are played at Lower Woodland Park Fields which are located at 5427 Green Lake Way N, Seattle, WA 98103.
Reference: League Information
Rainbow City Softball is open to all cis women, trans women, trans men, and non-binary players aged 18+.
Reference: About RCS
Rain(bow) City Softball was historically a women’s softball league and we wanted to honor the original intent of the league of creating an inclusive space where people could come together and play softball in a safe environment free of bigotry and judgment. As such, we extended eligibilty to trans women, trans men, and non-binary players.
Reference: About RCS
Yes. Drop-in players are non-roster players who play if a team is short on players. Drop-in players must fill out the drop-in player registration form and pay a $10 fee per game.
Reference: Drop-In Players
Yes, many teams in the RCS League choose to participate in both local and travel tournaments. These tournaments are optional and each team and team member individually decides to participate in them. That being said, many players really enjoy attending tournaments and choose to year after year.
The most popular tournaments are:
LCP in Battle Ground, WA during the first weekend in August
Emerald City Classic, typically in July
ASANA World Series, during the fall
Equipment Information
RCS uses only USA/ASA approved bats. Please check the USA / ASA approved/banned bats list on the Equipment webpage to verfiy your bat is acceptable. When searching for a bat you will need the manufacturer and model number. Approved certification marks do not always guarantee a legal bat as some bats with approved certification marks have since been banned and are listed on the website under banned with approved certification marks.
Reference: Equipment
RCS does require that catchers wear facemasks when playing.
RCS does not require pitchers wear facemasks, though many players opt to wear them.
RCS does not require batting helmets when playing, though many players opt to wear them.
Reference: Equipment
Yes, each player is responsible for providing their own softball equipment. At a minimum, this consists of a glove and batting gloves. Many players also have their own bats but this is not required to play. Generally, if you do not have a bat, you will be able to use bats shared by your teammates.
Reference: Equipment
Player Information
No prior softball experience is required. The league consists of three divisions that each play at different levels. All players are evaluated and ranked per ASANA player rating standards and players are generally placed on teams according to their skill level. Most players with no prior experience will end up on recreational division teams.
Reference: Player Rating
All new players wishing to join the league may register as a Free Agent and/or attend Skills Day (generally in February or March). Skills Day is for new players to showcase their softball skill level in a series of drills. Coaches from teams in need of players will ‘draft’ from Skills Day participants.
The Director of Competition will assist Free Agents with placement on a team.
References: Skills Day | Player Registration
Online player registration typically opens after the Team Registration is complete.
Player registration is open from March 3-31 for the 2024 season.
Reference: Player Registration
League Information
ASANA stands for Amateur Sports Alliance of North America. It is a non-profit organization dedicated to the participation of LGBTQ Women+ in amateur athletics. RCS, as a member of ASANA, works to send teams to the ASANA World Series every year.
External Reference: ASANA website
RCS plays by ASANA rules. Additionally, RCS may adopt more granular playing rules. All rules for the season are communicated and provided to coaches and posted on this website.
Reference: Game Day Rules
RCS abides by the ASANA player classification guidelines. As of February 2024, ASANA has updated evaluation categories and scoring scales for player classification.
RCS players who intend to play in tournaments or ASANA World Series will need to have their rating updated during the 2024 season. Players are encouraged to work with their coaches to submit an updated player rating.
Reference: Player Rating
Yes, all players must agree to abide by the RCS Code of Conduct and other RCS Policies in order to participate in the league.
The Board takes RCS Code of Conduct complaints very seriously. To file a complaint against a player, manager, coach, or umpire, please reach out to a member of the RCS Board as soon as possible.
To protest a player rating, please contact the Assistant Commissioner and Director of Competition.
Volunteer/Sponsor Information
That sounds great! Please reach out to the Director of Competition to discuss available options.
Yes! There are both elected and appointed board positions available. You must have been an RCS member (player, manage, coach) for at least one year to be eligible to serve as a board member.
RCS also volunteers in the community. Please reach out to the Director of Community Engagement to find out how you can participate or submit an RCS Board Interest Form today.
Reference: RCS Board
Please have them contact the Director of Community Engagement to best identify how their sponsorship would align with RCS and any RCS needs.
Reference: Sponsors
First, determine if your sponsor requires an invoice or receipt with the RCS EIN (tax number) for their tax purposes.
If so, the sponsor must pay the team fee directly to RCS. Checks must be made out to “Rainbow City Sports” and identify your team name. The RCS Treasurer will provide the invoice or receipt to the sponsor.
If not, then the sponsor can still provide payment to RCS but no invoice or receipt will be necessary. The sponsor may also provide the funds to the team and have the team pay RCS.
Checks can be mailed to RCS at 4723 S. American Lake Blvd, Tacoma, WA 98049.
Payments via Venmo can be made to @RainbowCitySoftball. Please include the team name in the payment.
Reference: Sponsors
No. RCS will not refund an overpayment from a sponsor to a team. If there is a legitimate refund to be made, the refund will go back to the Sponsor.
Sponsors pay the team fee ($500) and any additional donation directly to Rainbow City Sports in order to receive a receipt for tax purposes.
Sponsors typically provide any additional funds, for shirts or other team needs, directly to the team. These funds are not tax deductible for the sponsor.
Reference: Sponsors